From the Sea Up
From the Sea Up
Working Waterfronts - Southwest Harbor
Southwest Harbor is located on the “quiet side” of Mount Desert Island. A town of multiple maritime industries, Southwest Harbor boasts a tradition of superior boatbuilding and, for the past two years, has emerged as one of the top ten highest grossing lobster ports in the state. With more than four million visitors at Acadia National Park in 2021, the pressures on this side of MDI are mounting. Increased summer visitorship means business is booming, but commuter traffic, dwindling resources, and a lack of a seasonal and year-round workforce incite questions about how to sustain and support this working town.
In this episode, we examine the history of Southwest Harbor’s decision, as a community, to maintain and support its commercial fisheries through zoning and regulations. Visiting two iconic Southwest Harbor businesses, Hinckley Yachts and Beal’s Lobster Pier, we explore the push-and-pull of Maine’s seasonal economy, and the challenges and opportunities where commercial fishing, maritime industries, and recreation meet.
- MCP website: Maine Coastal Program | Department of Marine Resources
- Shore and Harbor Grant: Shore and Harbor Planning Grants | Department of Marine Resources (maine.gov) – the program statement for the current year’s grant can be found on this page
- Shore and Harbor Case Studies: Case Studies | Department of Marine Resources (maine.gov) This page has a map showing the locations of towns MCP funded, a list of funded projects, some write-ups about previous projects, and a story map highlighting last year’s MCP projects.
- Resources for preserving commercial fishing access: Coastal Access | Department of Marine Resources (maine.gov) This document has a list of state grants that could be useful for improving and protecting shore access, as well as grants that can be used for waterfront construction.
- Penobscot Bay Study: Penobscot Bay_Summary Report 12 23 19.pdf (maine.gov) This study by MCP took a really detailed look at a number of working waterfron